G Fume Tags (1 Gallon Pail/3,000 Tags)

Product no.: TG3086
Delivery weight: 6 lb

G Fume Tags. 1" Tear Drop Aluminum. 1 Gallon Pail of 3,000 Tags. Stamped Aluminum tag designates if a pole has been treated with a fumigant. The tear drop shape allows for the tag to be installed under the contractor’s identification tag and works in combination with rectangular style tags too. Aluminum tags and nails are the long lasting choice for wood pole owners. Aluminum nails and tags do not rust or fade.


Product Note Status Price
G Fume 96 Granular Fumigant (5 Gallon Pail) G Fume 96 Granular Fumigant (5 Gallon Pail)
$225.00 *
G-Fume 96 Granular Fumigant (6x1 Case) G-Fume 96 Granular Fumigant (6x1 Case)
$320.00 *
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