G Fume 96 Granular Fumigant (5 Gallon Pail)

Product no.: WP4033
Delivery weight: 33 lb

Granular Internal Treatment Fumigant. Contains 98% Tetrahydro-3,5-dimethyl-2H-1,3,5-thiadiazine-2-thione.Liquid or Granular fumigants are applied to the internal area of in-service standing poles in order to arrest or prevent internal decay. Western species such as Douglas Fir and Western Red Cedar have large untreated heartwood zones that are especially susceptible to internal decay. Southern Yellow Pine poles, as well as, other species may also have internal decay issues that should be addressed. Applying a EPA registered fumigant treatment, that can travel up to 8 feet from the treatment hole, keeps this important area in tack and strong. Pol Fume, L Fume 33 and SMDC FUME are available in liquid. Super Fume, UltraFume and G Fume are available in Granular form. Many utilities and contractors prefer the ease of use and efficacy advantages of granular fumigants. Liquid fume does offer some initial cost savings but may only be effective for 8 years. Granular fumigant, however, has demonstrated a longer 12 year life cycle in tests at Oregon State University. Fumigant treatments are also applied to poles that are surrounded by sidewalks or other obstructions that prevent them from being excavated and from having an external treatment applied. Always read and follow EPA label directions. - Call for Pallet Quantity Pricing, 719-685-0333.

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